This is where Timmy Williams will talk about all sorts of things. Hopefully it's funny.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Just to bring everyone up to speed, do you all know about William Hootkins?

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You probably recognize this guy, but you may not be aware of his significance (I was not until very recently). This guy was in "Star Wars," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," AND "Batman!" When I found this out, I almost* pooped barf! This dude was in what are probably the three most formative movies of my childhood! Maybe that's not actually a good thing, considering I'm kind of a weirdo now, but the guy still deserves some respect. He's dead, so he probably won't hear you when you give it to him, but you should anyways. And as I was fact-checking to make sure he was actually dead and that I wouldn't be labeled a liar, guess what else I just now found out? He was going to be in "Jurassic Park" too, but couldn't do it! That's insane! Had he done that, he would have been more important than God in the minds of millions! Since he missed out on "JP" though, he's only bigger than Jesus, which means he still has John Lennon and God to top. I'm also working on an impression of him, based primarily on his work from "Batman." Ask me next time you see me.

*I actually did, but I felt too embarrassed to write about it here**.

**Shit. I just did.


Anonymous said...

it took me a long time to realize that pooped was the verb and barf was the direct object.

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to realize that pooped was the verb and barf was the direct object.

Anonymous said...

oops. i just made the same comment twice. why do you require comment approval? what is this, gawker?