This is where Timmy Williams will talk about all sorts of things. Hopefully it's funny.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I stooded

So last night I tried "Stand Up Comedy" for the first time ever. In the last few months I've done many panic-inducing things, such as asking a friend on a date, telling my parents that I used to do drugs, and going on stage in my underwear in front of 2000 people, but never have I been more panicked and nervous than I was last night. Holy shit. I thought I was gonna explode in barf. Which probably would have gotten more laughs than anything I did, but would have been gross. Actually I got a good amount of laughs, and I'm gonna do it again soon. My thanks to my friends that came out to support me, even though your presence only made me more terrified, and to fellow performer Baron Vaughn, who after my set told me "Most virgins bleed the first time, and there's no blood up there." That's pretty much one of the best/weirdest compliments I've ever received. Also thanks to my dearly departed grandparents, because the stories about them got the biggest laughs and an "Oh my God." So yeah, I was totally nervous but it was fun, and now I'm that much closer to a "Punchline"-style breakdown where I cry on stage in fron of everyone!

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